James and Robyn Vincent are ordained ministers and apostolic leaders who serve at Glory of Zion International in Corinth, TX under the apostolic leadership of Dr. Chuck Pierce. Together, they minister with a passionate desire to see individuals, regions, and every societal sphere across the earth transformed by the supernatural presence and power of God. James and Robyn reside in Texas and have five beautiful children: Jamyn, Justice, Raven, Traclyn, and Shira-Sion.
James Vincent is an amazing worship leader who ministers prophetically in song and sound to release the heart of God into the Earth. He is an apostle who serves as the International Worship Director at Glory of Zion International (GZI). He leads multitudes weekly in worship all over the world.
He is the author of Moving With Heaven: The Prophetic Worshiper’s Handbook, The Power of the Voice, and GOD IS: The Prophetic Worshiper’s Handbook Vol 2, and has recorded worship music on various CD projects as well.
James travels internationally, training and equipping individuals with understanding of how to soar in worship and advance the kingdom of God through amazing demonstrations of God's presence, power and love. He fervently desires to see individuals and nations transformed by the undeniable glory of God.
Robyn Vincent is a minister and prophet at Glory of Zion International who speaks passionately from God's very heart. Her infectious boldness and passion for God is awakening hearts and reforming lives around the globe.
She is the author of The Rise of the Overcomer, her newly released book and her ebook, The Simple Path to a New Life!
For more than two decades Robyn has diligently served in ministry. She has an amazing gift of wisdom and revelation that converts spiritual truths into practical living.
Robyn is an inspiring speaker, author, consultant, and certified life coach. She is widely recognized for weaving her strong prophetic gifting with transparent dialogue to empower lives with immense freedom and transformation. With fervency, she delivers words of hope, redemption, and freedom to see the fullness of God’s word come forth.
We believe that God is awakening the passionate, worshiping warriors! As chaos and confusion in the world around us seem to grow and grow, we are also seeing the body of Christ respond in ways we have not seen in our time. There is an awareness of the need for the presence of God beyond religious activities and what we perceive as typical Christianity. As we are recognizing this amplified move of God, worshipers are taking up their mantles at the forefront of it all!
Why is the sound of worship important? While singing and dancing and making music before the Lord is a wonderful thing in itself, there is an eternal purpose in what we are doing; however, many of us involved in this expression of worship don't recognize what we are truly meant to be. How should we be affecting the world around us? How do we change the atmosphere beyond having wonderful worship experiences? What is God's will in a particular space and time?
Our purpose at Worship International is not simply to raise up awesome worship service leaders, but to awaken and connect worshipers to their greatest, eternal calling! Our desire is to keep worshipers mobilized with the rest of kingdom; although there is great kingdom advancement, it seems that many of those who facilitate worship are still stuck in sort of a cycle of religious activity. Wouldn't you love to see the function of worshipers in sync with the advancement of God's current movements in the earth? We have not yet seen the fullest impact of heaven's sound as God mobilizes every kingdom gift worldwide!
Let the vessels of the glorious sound of God arise to new levels! We are passionate worshipers, and we are here to partner with you as you become everything the Lord wants you to be.
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